Monday, November 12, 2007

"Kathleen's Geraniums"

So many odd little things are creeping into my days.

I've been financially stressed lately. I think I've not made a secret about that. My very best friend and cheerleader, who just moved thousands of miles from here, sent me a gift card to go find something great for my new home. That simple act of kindness brought tears to my eyes when I opened the letter from Seattle.

I had two thoughts for this unexpected gift of decoration. I wanted to get either a swag to go over my mirror in my bedroom, or a wonderful print in a nice frame for one of my big tall walls. Since it was a substantial gift card, I opted for Choice Two. I searched the racks of prints on several occasions, carving out time between my two jobs. I refused to make a hurried choice, as I don't often splurge on nice stuff. Finally, on the third trip, I knew I had enough time and poring over of the selection available to make my choice.

Every time I had looked, one artist's paintings captured my attention. It wasn't that I was looking for her paintings, rather I'd see a picture I liked, and it was always by this same woman--Carol Rowan. I finally settled on "Kathleen's Geraniums." Choosing a frame is a whole 'nother story that I won't bore you with...just know that I could not get the frame I wanted or the matting I wanted. I settled on a workable frame and no mat, knowing I can change those things later when I'm back on my feet and find the perfect matches.

This story actually begins here! I was so excited by having this art project in front of me that I actually sat on my living room floor at midnight after a double shift. I just had to see this put together. As I was putting the print into its frame, I thought to myself that I should look at the tag on the wrapping one last time to make sure I knew who the artist was and what the name of the print was. I cannot tell you why it clicked in my head when I looked at the plastic sticker in that particular moment, but a light bulb went off.

Carol Rowan. Carol Rowan? Could this be the artist I think it could be? I immediately dropped the project at hand and walked (quickly) to the computer. A Google of Carol Rowan brought back astounding news. "Carol Rowan works and lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where she transforms her surroundings into luminous portraits of color and light. ..."

My heart skipped a beat and I stared at the screen slack-jawed. I have been to this woman's house and she has fed me dinner. On Sunday Dinner night, reserved for family and friends. It's a tradition. She is a wonderful hostess, amazing cook, and has one of the warmest, most inviting homes I have ever been in.

How, you ask? This is Aunt Carol. My former best friend's Aunt Carol. She took me to Family Dinner one October evening long ago. We had a wonderful autumn dinner with pumpkin soup and other scrumptious food. I've always remembered and cherished that evening. Aunt Carol stood at the stove, laughing and chatting with the small group who had gathered to feast upon her cheer and warmth. Her cozy living room with a fireplace and so many wonderful paintings on the wall kept me entertained while I listened to the banter from the dining room and kitchen. One could be comfortable here for many days. She is quite a remarkable woman.

And I bought one of her paintings, completely oblivious to it being her! Remarkable, in and of itself, don't you think? Her paintings exhibit warmth and cheer; they are feel-good flowers and scenes in which you want to be surrounded. Go look, really! (Sorry, I cannot get this to be a clickable link).

Thank you, Aunt Carol. For dinner and conversation so long ago. And for making my kitchen a warmer, more beautiful place.

1 comment:

Trish said...

Happy New Year, Suz. Hope 2008 brings you every happiness. I think it will!