Saturday, April 14, 2007

Winter Hiatus

Wow! Two months since my last post. I should be ashamed. And I am. I have lots of good excuses though; like teaching nearly everyday of March while holding down my waitress job too, researching and finally buying a new car (just this week, and I don't pick it up until Monday), being on vacation, and generally feeling those end-of-winter blahs. Yep. I have a laundry list of reasons for not writing. It's not that there weren't some great blog inspirations over the last two months, rather my brain was not in drive where the writing is concerned. I hope that Spring peeking around the corner will be the fuel that kicks my brain back into the writing mode. There's gonna be blogs, people. Even if they suck!

I have a whole list of topics jotted on a piece of scrap paper. It makes me almost feel like a creative writer type. You know, those famous writers who get great ideas and jot them on a cocktail napkin and tuck them into a coat pocket and find them the next time they put the coat on? A light bulb goes off, and they've written just enough to remind themselves what brilliant idea had flown through their mind at that particular moment. Yeah, I have a list of those. If I can't find anything entertaining to yammer about, that's my pot o' gold. I promise to dip into it if I come up empty in the next few weeks.

Meanwhile, accept my apologies. You four readers deserve so much more! I'm feeling blessed and optimistic. Winter is almost gone, life is good, I am healthy. Writings will follow.


briliantdonkey said...

Look forward to seeing more. Maybe the posts will distract you enough to let me catch up to you in the AI contest


Anonymous said...

How many more days until Football season? :)