Saturday, January 26, 2008

How Murphy Lost to the Horseshoe

Everyone knows about Murphy, right? He's the guy who makes sure that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. He's been hanging out by my side for so long that he appears as my shadow! He's put forth a mighty game plan; I'll give 'im that... Let me explain.

My ever-faithful computer acquired a hitch in its giddy-up just after Thanksgiving. I tried to avert the impending doom by beseeching my computer savvy friends about what might be happening with the gaggle of wires inside the HP box next to my desk--to no avail. It died a fairly ugly death. And because my finances are so depleted because of my cruddy job, I couldn't just go out and "pick up a new one." The fact that the Christmas season was approaching did not help my panic over money. How the hell was I supposed to make it all happen? I secured a small loan from my best friend for a computer and decided the little shopping I would do would be put on my one and only credit card. What I didn't know is that there was a force stronger than Murphy working on my behalf.

Several of my online friends (who I actually know from our bi-annual get-togethers over the last few years) told me about a guy they knew who had some cheap computers. After much phoning about what I could afford, they said they'd take care of choosing the correct computer and get it shipped to me. Woohoo! Finally a break! As it turns out, the group of guys I moderate several forums with (which includes the guys I mentioned) decided to take up a collection and GIVE me a computer for Christmas. Isn't that fantastic?! Yes it is. But that's not all they did. Since the donations were so generous, they had extra money. A lot of extra money. I don't know why everyone didn't just reduce their pledges, but they didn't. Instead, they immediately jumped to, "What else can we get her?" So, they got me an iPod nano and a money order that covered my Christmas gifts so I wouldn't have to put them on my credit card!

Now, I could tell you I was blown away by this amazing generosity (because I was blown away by this amazing generosity). Telling you that, however, could never describe the way this group of exceptional men changed my sadness and worry into joy and belief. Yes Virginia (Suz), there IS a Santa Claus. And he is this group of brothers you were lucky enough to find on the internet. I cried for days at the selfless act of the surprise these guys put together for me. When I sit down at my desk to play online, or work on my website, or spruce up my almost lost resume, or jot a note to a friend, well--I know how I got here. It makes me smile every time because I know I have truly awesome friends who cared enough to get me back to them. They are beyond wonderful, and I love them.

As if that wasn't a big enough shove to get Murphy out the door, I encountered even more good luck! My best friend won a jackpot tinkering at the casino on a day off. A BIG jackpot!! Because she too, knows the struggle I've had with my job that just isn't cutting it, I received a care package in the mail with a hefty amount of cash included among the luxury bath items. Wow! Thanks to her, coming up with my rent will not be difficult. These things happen to other people, not me. Confused, but grateful, I take these gifts humbly.

After such a stellar couple of weeks, I was settling into the fact that I really do have great friends. I was busy counting my blessings among the days of working as hard as I could to pay my bills. Then the third horseshoe fell from the sky via a phone call from my best friend after the Giants beat the Cowboys. Ms. Jackpot bought us tickets to the NFC Championship game!! Oh yes she did!! We actually crossed that one off the bucket list. It was the third coldest game in NFL history, a terrible ending to an exciting game that featured four lead changes, but we witnessed it firsthand. Incredible. It would've been nicer if we had actually won that game (which we had so many chances to do), but going to Lambeau Field, EVER, is a phenomenal event. She flew in for a whirlwind weekend, extending the fairy tale that has been my existence the last month. Truly exceptional series of events.

I can't help but wonder if the Packer's loss is somehow the end of this karmic ride for me, too. Did we freeze out all the warm karma in the -24 degree wind chill last Sunday? Has my karma been squandered, leaving no room for a job upgrade? (Tongue-in-cheek here, folks. I'm not really ungrateful)! I actually made a comment wondering if I had used up all my good karma with these latest good fortunes. A friend told me, quite sincerely, that he felt I had been screwed out of so many good things for so long that this was just a small catch up of what I was due. Awwwww.

What will February bring? I'm not sure. But at least my rent is paid and I can play online with my great buddies. I have a resume again. My spirits are better than they have been at this point in our winters than they have been in a long time. I am lucky. I am loved. I will overcome these financial issues. To my amazing friends: Thank you. You mean the world to me. To Murphy: You can't win. Go home.


Anonymous said...

Ewe know how welcome ewe are... :)

shakenbsis said...

Hey Suz - I don't know how I missed this post before... What a beautiful story. I'm glad you got to see how much you are loved. It can be a difficult thing to be a receiver rather than a giver (which you are obviously more comfortable with!) But you did it with grace and style...

It's easy to see why you are so loved = )

Thanks for the home tour last night and the little glimpse into your world...
