Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The House Blew Up

I want to text my landlord and tell him, "Your house blew up. Call me." Or maybe I should tell him it blew away, or burned down. He won't respond to phone calls. He won't reply to emails that ask for his confirmation that he's gotten them. He doesn't answer notes left with the rent check.

Ever since I made the complaint about the maintenance man's inappropriate behavior, not only on the professional (professional-ha!) level, but personal level, my landlord has evaporated into thin air. He used to be an awesome guy who took care of every little thing. Now I can't get an affirmative that the furnace repairs from the flood have, indeed, been completed. I don't know if he cares that the kitchen sink and bathtub drains are slow. He hasn't replaced the filter on the sink for my drinking water. I fear the water spots on the ceilings from the roof leaking will be there until I move.

I don't know what else to do. There is absolutely NO response to any question, big or small. My lease is up. I'm wondering if I'm going to be getting the equivalent of a pink slip in my mailbox this week when he picks up the rent check. I'm peeved by the behavior. My last landlord threw me out in a fit of craziness that had no explanation, except some imbalance that turned her into the Jekyll and Hyde. My fear of the same happening again is understandable. However, I am a phenomenal renter. My rent is always on time, and I take care of my rental property as though it's my own. Wisconsin has "at-will" employment, and tenancy when there is no lease. This means a landlord can give a renter 30 days to vacate. If this happens, I will be devastated.

Meanwhile, I'm forced to deal with the infidel for repairs to my home. I think DSMM (DipShit Maintenance Man) knows not to pick up the phone when I call him, for I've been lucky in getting his voicemail. In return, I don't pick up my phone when it reads "Idiot" calling. Actually, it reads "idiot" since I didn't think he was worthy of a capital "I."

When DPMM hooked up my new (used) dryer after the flood, he must have done a half-assed job. The dryer was letting a lot of moisture into the basement. I didn't understand this. Until last week. Last week, I noticed the air vent hose flapping away at the back of the dryer. It was probably loose, and took a few months to come off completely. I had asked for notice when the DSMM would be entering the premises. I got none when he came in to fix the dryer. And yes, I am angry about this. At least he left the premises locked. Does this mean he got at least part of the memo?

Still, enduring his lame ethics and shoddy workmanship is annoying. It took three visits for him to hook up the washer correctly after he used my faucet to power wash the basement. (Yeah, I'll pay that water bill. Don't give me a credit on my rent for the water that went through my drain or got used to clean the entire basement).

I know in the scheme of big world problems, these are peanuts. Even so, this is my "Gool" and he's wrecking it. Hell, they are both wrecking it. I am loathe to call the Landlord-Tenant Agency, but I may have to if things don't change. I am looking for input on this matter. My work friends were quick to jump on the litigation path. As offended as I am by the behaviors of both the maintenance man and the landlord, I do not want to travel that route. I'm not sure if I should be scanning the rentals, or if my tenancy is safe here. The unknown is not fun. I have friends that admire the amount of moving I've done. "You little wanderer, you." I don't relish moving. And I truly love this place. If I have to move, I don't know where I'll land.

Maybe I'll try that text message to see if there's a response. "House gone. Plz call."

I did my laundry after I wrote this blog. Now that the hose is hooked up properly to the dryer, it's loose (off) at the top where it hooks into the metal shoot that takes the humid air outside. I left idiot a message. [sigh]


Osh said...


M said...

Oh lordy, this reminds me of my own rental days. The stories I'd tell if I didn't fear it would turn me tense and depressed for the rest of the day...

Keep a record of all correspondence, and all incidents. You probably already are. Clearly, the landlord is willfully plunging his head into the sand... until something happens that forces him to act. That something would be: something very bad that would befall the building or either of its tenants.

How much is that water bill going to be? If it's way over, I'd for sure send that, along with a description of how DSMM wasted it, via registered mail.

This suxxxxxxxxx. How awful to have to know that you have this security worry, along with the pink-slip worry. Look around for other places, but don't panic yet. You still have water, heat, facilities, and a mostly-locked situation for now.

But watch like a hawk, and take notes. Photos are awesome too. Wish I knew how to rig up a security cam on a timer.

Good luck, hon.

shakenbsis said...

Oh Suz, I hate situations like this, and I hate feeling powerless. You shouldn't have to esort to extremes jsut to have a conversation with your LL!!!


I'm gonna think about this a bit...
maybe chat my own LL up on it tomorrow, (luckily he is also my sometime boss and good friend!)

Kathy said...

Suz, I don't know what to say about this. It does suck.

We have a place in Wautoma we could rent you, but then we won't be neigbors anymore and we can't have that!

Who's spider shoe would I borrow?